Investment products for direct real estate investments

There is a lot to do with direct investments in real estate. With our investment products, you can invest directly in Swiss real estate without having to worry about searching for properties or maintenance and letting. The real estate funds and real estate investment groups of the Swisscanto Investment Foundation are suitable for portfolio diversification.

How you can benefit from real estate investment products

Attractive return opportunities

We invest in residential and commercial properties that generate attractive long-term returns based on our careful analysis and management.

Higher liquidity

The real estate funds and real estate investment groups of the investment foundations offer higher liquidity than individual investments in real estate.

Appropriate diversification

The prices of real estate investment products generally correlate little with other asset classes. That's why they are suitable for portfolio diversification.

Two real estate funds and one investment groups

Zürcher Kantonalbank can look back on a 60-year history as a reliable partner for real estate investment products. The properties managed under the umbrella of our two real estate funds and the investment group make us one of the largest real estate managers in Switzerland today.

Invest in residential properties

The Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible IFCA  is our oldest real estate fund. Since 1961, it has mainly invested in residential properties in Switzerland. The fund's properties are held indirectly via real estate companies. The fund is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange (SIX) and is suitable for investors who

  • have a long-term investment horizon,
  • would like to invest primarily and broadly diversified in residential properties in Switzerland,
  • are interested in regular returns and
  • are willing to accept certain price fluctuations.

Invest in commercial properties

The Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Swiss Commercial invests in commercially used properties in Switzerland. The fund's properties are held directly by the fund. The fund is listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange and is suitable for investors who

  • have a long-term investment horizon,
  • would like to participate predominantly in commercial properties in Switzerland,
  • are interested in regular returns and
  • are willing to accept certain price fluctuations.

Invest in residential and commercial properties

The Swisscanto AST Immobilien Responsible Schweiz investment group of the Swisscanto Investment Foundation is actively managed and invests directly in residential and commercial properties in Switzerland. It offers broad market coverage and is designed for institutional investors with a long-term investment horizon.

Good to know: Only tax-exempt occupational pension schemes (2nd pillar) in Switzerland are permitted to invest in the Swisscanto AST Immobilien Responsible Schweiz investment group of the Swisscanto Investment Foundation. The investment group is currently closed for new subscriptions.

All direct real estate investment solutions at a glance

The alternative to direct real estate investment