Real estate investments: Balancing returns and security

Real estate is stable in value and promises an attractive return at a manageable risk. We invest directly or indirectly in real estate in Switzerland and indirectly worldwide. Our real estate investment products can represent suitable diversification for private and institutional assets.

A few facts and figures

13 billion

We manage properties worth CHF 13 billion under the umbrella of our direct real estate investments.


We launched our first real estate fund more than 60 years ago, in 1961.


With our direct real estate funds, we manage more than 450 properties in Switzerland.


A highly qualified team of more than 35 real estate specialists manages the direct real estate assets.

The success of real estate investments begins with the day-to-day work with the individual properties.

Stephan Lüthi, Head of Real Estate

You choose: direct or indirect

With our real estate investment products, you can diversify your assets appropriately and generate an attractive return at a manageable risk. Our direct real estate products either hold their properties indirectly via real estate companies or the properties in the portfolio are held directly by the fund or investment group. Our indirect real estate products invest in other real estate funds or real estate shares.