Decarbonisation as an investment opportunity

With our Private Equity Fonds Carbon Solutions, we enable global access to unlisted growth or buyout companies that contribute to decarbonisation. Investors benefit from our proximity to the Swiss start-up scene and the expertise of our private equity managers.

How you benefit with this private equity fund

Target return of 12 to 14 percent

Investments in decarbonisation offer attractive investment opportunities. We aim for a target return of 12 to 14 percent (IRR after costs) per year.

Influence and transparency

We invest directly and indirectly in companies and have a strategic influence on decisions.

Direct and indirect investments

The Private Equity Fonds Carbon Solutions invests in companies that contribute to reducing the carbon intensity of the economy.

Andreas Nicoli, CFA, Head of Private Equity, on the Private Equity Global Decarbonisation Fund

Our investment philosophy

The issue of climate change has the highest social and political priority. Innovative private companies will develop the best solutions. Institutional investors are looking for companies with a high return potential. Our task is to find these companies and diversify the risks via private equity funds.

Focused on decarbonisation and growth

This is what distinguishes the Private Equity Fonds Carbon Solutions:

  • Investment in high-growth, unlisted companies and other private equity funds
  • Selection and support by experienced and successful private equity managers
  • Broad diversification with direct investments in Switzerland and Europe as well as indirect investments worldwide
  • Focus on sustainability
  • Target return of 12 to 14 percent per year

The fund is designed as a limited partnership for collective capital investments and is subject to the oversight of FINMA.

Our investment process

A systematic and disciplined investment process forms the basis for high value creation. That's why we adhere to proven governance structures for illiquid assets. We work together with industry experts to screen and source potential investments. We only invest after detailed internal and external due diligence – often alongside other well-known private equity companies.

Decarbonisation as a growth driver and opportunity

The fund invests in companies that contribute to decarbonisation and are also economically successful. The investment objective is a very attractive return with a manageable risk for this key theme, which has strong social and political momentum. Necessary investments in climate protection of at least USD 2.5 trillion by 2050 will be a strong and sustainable driver of growth.

Who are our private equity funds suitable for?

Our private equity funds are subject to the oversight of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and are aimed exclusively at professional and institutional investors (qualified investors in accordance with CISA) with a long-term focus.

Three good reasons to choose us

  1. 1 Expertise: Around 200 investment professionals continuously analyse and evaluate all news about high-growth markets, sectors or companies.
  2. 2 Investment opportunities: Thanks to our proximity to the start-up scene in Europe and globally active private equity companies, we have access to many investment opportunities.
  3. 3 Network: Our managing directors are well networked nationally and internationally and have the best contacts in the private equity ecosystem.

Other private equity funds as alternatives