Overlay solutions: Additional flexibility and earnings potential

Our overlay solutions create added value for you in the area of tactical asset allocation and currency hedging. We provide cost-effective management of the various dimensions independently of your basic investment using derivatives according to your individual requirements.

How you benefit from our overlay investments

Transaction netting

Opposing transactions are netted.

Look-through overall reporting

Extensive look-through overall reporting.

Execution Desk

Securing best execution via our independent Execution Desk.

Risk monitoring

Daily restriction check on a look-through basis and risk monitoring with MSCI Barra.

With our comprehensive expertise, we can manage your risks individually.

Fabian Ackermann, Head of Overlay Mandates

A means for controlling risk

The solution is based on your existing portfolio consisting of collective investments or direct investments in various asset classes. These basic investments result in particular foreign currency, term, country and credit exposures that could put paid to your target strategies. For comprehensive and cost-optimised management of the overall allocation, we recommend an overlay mandate as a complement to your basic investments. This will allow us, for example, to manage the foreign currency allocation or interest-rate risks on an individual basis, independently of the investment building blocks used. An overlay mandate thus gives you the additional flexibility of structuring your portfolio according to your requirements.

Three good reasons to choose us

  1. 1 Trust: Individual advice when determining the overlay strategy
  2. 2 Efficiency: Continuous automation of processes thanks to Core, the proprietary portfolio management platform
  3. 3 Security: Monitoring and limiting counterparty risks

A few facts and figures

CHF 56 billion

Customers entrust us with assets of CHF 40 billion for currency hedging and CHF 16 billion for interest rate and tactical overlays.

100% Switzerland

All contact persons are based in Zurich.


Since 2006, we have been offering our customers the opportunity to minimise their operational risks while reducing costs. 

29 specialists

We offer you all services from a single source.  

Details on our overlay solutions

Currency hedging (FX overlay)

  • Individual advice when determining the hedging strategy
  • Optimised tenor management
  • Netting of spot and forward transactions
  • Forward exchange contracts can be assigned to asset allocation and instruments
  • Detailed look-through overall reporting and performance attribution
  • Monitoring and limiting counterparty risks
  • Comprehensive FX expertise from a single source (research, active and passive FX hedging, collateral management, ISDA, execution, trading and regulation)
  • Optionally with Prime Broker ZKB
  • Best execution through the multi-broker setup and transaction analysis with BestX

Tactical overlay

  • Flexible short-term management of asset classes
  • Individual solutions for specific customer needs (e.g. management of country, sector or volatility)
  • Cost-effective implementation with derivatives