Money Market: the alternative to liquidity

With Swisscanto Money Market funds, you can invest easily and with broad diversification in short-term bonds in Swiss francs or foreign currencies. You can choose between money market funds in Swiss francs, Australian dollars, euros or US dollars and the Swisscanto Money Market Fund Opportunities.

What sets our Money Market products apart

First-class quality

All Money Market funds only invest in first-class money market securities in Swiss francs or foreign currencies and hedge any foreign currency risks.

Higher returns

The Swisscanto Money Market Fund Opportunities takes advantage of the opportunities offered by a broader investment universe and aims to achieve the highest possible return.

Systematic screening

With our systematic screening tool, we identify the most attractive investment opportunities in the entire money market universe.

Our investment philosophy

Our money market funds offer investors an interesting alternative to a traditional account. Accordingly, the focus is on investments with the best creditworthiness and high liquidity. We take interest rate and credit risk into account and use our systematic screening to identify attractive investment opportunities. Active management also proves itself in short-term investments.

Our selection for institutional investors

Our Money Market funds are an easy way to invest in the money market:

  • Traditional single-currency funds invest in money market bonds in Swiss francs, euros, US dollars or Australian dollars.
  • Our Money Market Opportunities Fund selects attractive opportunities in the global money market bond segment and converts them into an attractive solution in francs without currency risk.

Who are these money market funds suitable for?

Swisscanto Money Market funds are suitable for institutional investors who

  • have an investment horizon of at least six months,
  • would like to have their money market investments actively managed and
  • would like to broadly diversify their money market investments across different counterparties.

Three good reasons to choose us

  1. 1 Success: Our funds have successful track records and are an attractive alternative to liquidity.
  2. 2 Selection: We offer our Money Market solutions not only in Swiss francs, but in all major currencies.
  3. 3 One location: 28 investment professionals with an average of 17 years of experience manage your assets at our Zurich site.

All Money Market funds at a glance

Our bond funds